For each each individual on this website I have tagged key information in order to be able to collate data and regiments, ships and places and present it here. The tags have been grouped as described below:
Town: Most articles published here provide an address, either the individual’s home address itself or the address of the person that supplied the details to the newspaper. I have done this where individuals are linked to the town either by a home address or the address of their parents or relatives. Where the link is less certain – for instance if a photograph was sent in by a friend, I have not tagged the town as it can’t be certain of where that person lived.
Regiment: The name of the regiments the individuals served with at the time their details were supplied to the paper. The list includes Navy regiments.
Ship: The name of the ship that the individuals served on at the time that their details were supplied to the paper. The list includes merchant vessels.
Status: The status of the individuals stated at the time their details were supplied to the paper, or subsequent fate where known.
Memorial: The name of the memorial or cemetery that those who died in the line of duty are remembered at. This data is collected from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) website. You can view these cemeteries and memorials on a map here.
The tags under each heading are ordered by number of occurrences, so the most common will appear at the top. If you hover the cursor over the tag link, the number of instances of that tag will appear in brackets at the end of the description. Clicking on the tag will take you to a list of individuals to whom that tag has been allocated.