Mitchell, L
L Mitchell
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment: Royal Flying Corps
Mother: Mrs Mitchell
Address: 3 St Helen’s Road, Hastings
Published: May 1917
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L Mitchell
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment: Royal Flying Corps
Mother: Mrs Mitchell
Address: 3 St Helen’s Road, Hastings
Published: May 1917
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Jack Lancaster
Rank: Private
Regiment: Bedfordshire Regiment
Parents: Mr John & Mrs Ellen Lancaster
Brother: James W Lancaster
Address: 1 South Terrace, Hastings
Other Info: In India.
Published: May 1917
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James W Lancaster
Rank: Private
Regiment: Royal Sussex Regiment / 6th Battalion, Royal West Surrey Regiment
Parents: Mr John & Mrs Ellen Lancaster
Brother: Jack Lancaster
Address: 1 South Terrace, Hastings
Other Info: At the Front. According to CWGC, James died aged 45 on 14th December 1918. He is remembered at Brookwood Military Cemetery, grave reference VI.C.7.
Published: May 1917
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George A G Dann
Rank: Sapper
Regiment: Royal Engineers
Wife: Mrs Dann
Address: 32 Hughenden Road, Hastings
Other Info: Formerly temporary postman at Hastings. Additional name information from the Lives of the First World War website.
Published: May 1917
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W H Clarke
Rank: Sapper
Regiment: Royal Engineers
Parents: Mr & Mrs Clarke
Brother: G Clarke
Address: 40 Silverlands Road, St Leonards
Published: May 1917
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G Clarke
Rank: Private
Regiment: East Surrey Regiment
Parents: Mr & Mrs Clarke
Brother: W H Clarke
Address: 40 Silverlands Road, St Leonards
Other Info: Now in hospital in Llandudno, suffering from shell shock.
Published: May 1917
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George Cripps
Rank: Private
Regiment: 101st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, Canadian Expeditionary Force
Parents: Mr Charles Henry & Mrs Annie Cripps
Wife: Mrs Agnes Cripps
Father’s Address: 3 Market Passage, St Leonards
Address: Suite 7, The Beresford, Fort Rouge, Winnepeg.
Other Info: Wounded at Vimy Ridge. Now home on sick leave.
According to CWGC, George died aged 27 on 7th April 1921. He is remembered at Winnepeg (Brookside) Cemetery, grave reference Mil.309
George’s CEF enlistment papers can be viewed here for free.
Published: May 1917
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Albert Harry Burt
Rank: Private
Regiment: 9th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment
Parents: Mr Thomas Henry & Mrs Mary Ann Burt
Brothers: W Burt, T Burt & Mark Frank Burt
Address: 83 Winchelsea Road, Ore
Other Info: Killed in action on 25th March 1917. According to CWGC, Albert died aged 21 and is remembered at Aix-Noulette Communal Cemetery Extension, grave reference I.D.9.
Published: May 1917
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Mark Frank Burt
Rank: Private
Regiment: 7th Battalion, Royal West Surrey Regiment
Parents: Mr Thomas Henry & Mrs Mary Ann Burt
Brothers: W Burt, T Burt & Albert Harry Burt
Address: 83 Winchelsea Road, Ore
Other Info: Died of wounds received in action on 4th May 1917. According to CWGC, Mark died aged 24 and is remembered at Bucquoy Road Cemetery, Ficheux, grave reference I.E.2.
Published: May 1917
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T Burt
Rank: Private
Regiment: Royal Sussex Regiment
Parents: Mr Thomas Henry & Mrs Mary Ann Burt
Brothers: W Burt, Mark Frank Burt & Albert Harry Burt
Address: 83 Winchelsea Road, Ore
Published: May 1917
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