Haizelden, J
J Haizelden
Rank: Private
Service: British Army
Wife: Mrs Haizelden
Address: 22 Hadwicke Road, Hastings
Published: January 1916
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J Haizelden
Rank: Private
Service: British Army
Wife: Mrs Haizelden
Address: 22 Hadwicke Road, Hastings
Published: January 1916
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William Cornwall
Rank: Sapper
Regiment: Royal Engineers
Parents: Mr George and Mrs Jane Elizabeth Buxton Cornwall
Brother: Fred Cornwall
Address: 1 Old Humphrey Avenue, Hastings
Other Info: Additional name information from the Lives of the First World war website.
Published: January 1916
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James A Bodle
Rank: Dresser
Regiment: Army Veterinary Corps
Sent by: Miss J Bodle
Miss Bodle’s Address: 150 Beaconsfield Road, Hastings
Other Info: Additional name information from the Lives of the First World War website. James later served as a Gunner in the Royal Garrison Artillery.
Published: January 1916
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Charles Beaumont
Rank: Private
Regiment: 2/5th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment
Sent by: M Welsford
Address: Fairlight Place, Ore
Published: January 1916
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C Thomson
Rank: Private
Regiment: 5th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment
Mother: Mrs T Thomson
Father: T A Thomson
Uncles: W A Thomson, E G Thomson & J N Thomson
Address: Vine Cottage, Ore
Published: January 1916 & September 1916
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Charles Stevens
Rank: Lance Corporal
Regiment: Royal Army Medical Corps
Father: Mr S Stephens
Wife: Mrs Stevens
Brother: William Stevens
Nephews: William Stevens, George Stevens, Charles Stevens, Stephen Stephens & W F Love
Address: 101 Beaconsfield Road, Hastings
Father’s Address: 98 Old London Road, Hastings
Published: January 1916
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W Smith
Rank: Lance Corporal
Regiment: Motor Transport, Army Service Corps
Wife: Mrs Smith
Address: 117 All Saints Street, Hastings
Other Info: In France, Late motor bus conductor at Hastings
Published: January 1916
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R J Riley
Rank: Private
Regiment: Royal Army Medical Corps
Parents: Mr & Mrs R Riley
Address: Collier Road, Hastings
Published: January 1916
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Stephen Phillips
Rank: Private
Regiment: 2nd Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment
Father: Mr James Phillips
Address: 1 Albert Cottages, Crown Lane, Hastings
Other Info: Killed at the Front.
Published: January 1916
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