Windows, H H J
H H J Windows
Rank: Private
Regiment: Royal Army Medical Corps
Address: Hastings
Other Info: With the above photograph we received the following letter:- “Dear Sir, – I am enclosing a snapshot of four Sussex men out here in Salonkia, and should be very grateful if you could find the space for same in the dear old paper. I have marked myself with a cross and I might mention that I was a resident in Hastings before the War, and with the late Mr Felton Smith, of High Street, until just before his death. I look back on those times now, and often think what happy days they were; and, when this terrible War is over I am hoping to see Hastings again. In the meantime I am keeping in touch through the medium of your two excellent weekly papers. Wishing you every success…”.
Published: June 1917
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