Christensen, James Walter
James Walter Christensen
Rank: Private
Regiment: 31st Battalion, Australian Infantry
Parents: Mr I W & Mrs Maren Christensen
Home Address: Mackay, Queensland
Other Info: James died aged 37 on 12th August 1918. He is buried at Hastings Cemetery. According to his records, held by the National Archives of Australia, James died of wounds received in France at Buchanan Hospital, Hastings.
An article published in the Hastings & St Leonards Observer on 19th August reads: “Military Funeral for an Australian Soldier. Some very pathetic incidents were witnessed, and at the same time a spontaneous outburst of kindly feeling towards the Buchanan Hospital, on the occasion of the funeral of an Australian Soldier on Wednesday, he having died in that institution last Saturday.
He was Private James Walter Christensen, 31st Australian Battalion of Melton Street, Makay, Queensland, Australia, aged 39. He was wounded in Flanders early in July. By the kindness of the Colonel Commanding the 6th Royal Sussex Regiment, military bearers and a firing party were provided at the Borough Cemetery.
A service, conducted by the Rev C. A. Weeks was held in St Peter’s Church. About twenty-five wounded, mainly Australians, and a few Canadians were conveyed to the cemetery in carriages.
Mr H. Gilbert Henderson represented the Hospital, and Sister Florence and two nurses who had nursed the deceased were present.
The service was solemn and impressive, the soldiers joining heartily in the singing. Several of the Australians expressed their sincere thanks to Mr. Henderson for the treatment accorded to their fallen comrade.
Very beautiful wreaths were received from the Board of Management of the Buchanan Hospital, the nursing staff, his fellow wounded in the Buchanan Hospital, the Countess of Lauderdale, Mr F. W. Jepson, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Morgan, and Eileen, Mrs. Hoar. Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Fielding, Mr. Packwood, Miss Laurence, Miss Crook, and many others.”
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