Drury, James Edward
James Edward Drury
Rank: Private
Regiment: 5th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment
Wife: Mrs Kate Drury
Address: 7 Priory Street, Hastings
Other Info: At the Front. Killed in action on 16th August.
According to CWGC, James died aged 34 on 16th August 1916. He is remembered at the Thiepval Memorial, Pier and Face 7C.
An article published in the Hastings & St Leonards Observer on 26th August 1916 reads: News has come to hand that Private J. Drury, Royal Sussex Regiment, was killed in action at the Front on August 15th. His wife, Mrs K. Drury, resides at 7 Priory Street, Hastings.
Lieut. P. W. Batten, Lewis gun officer, writing home to the widow says: – ‘Your husband was in my platoon and proved himself to be a sound and brave soldier. He was a general favourite with the men and his sergeant major told me yesterday that during the recent operations he was exceptionally cool and had done his work excellently.
Your husband was hit when right up in the front line and when he was assisting in work of the utmost importance.’
Lieut. Chittenden has also written Mrs. Drury a letter of sympathy.
Published: July 1915, February 1916 & August 1916
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